Vice President of JD.COM


Tao Mei is a Technical Vice President with JD.COM and the Deputy Managing Director of JD AI Research. His team is focusing on the research, development, innovation and commercialization of computer vision and multimedia technologies, with a broad range of applications in retail, logistics, finance, cloud, and new media. He also led the effort on machine learning platform. Prior to joining JD.COM in 2018, he was a Senior Research Manager with Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing, China, where he has shipped over 20 inventions and technologies to Microsoft products and services.  Tao has authored or co-authored over 200 publications (with 12 best paper awards) in journals and conferences, and holds over 50 US and international patents. He was elected as a Fellow of IEEE and IAPR, a Distinguished Scientist of ACM, and a Distinguished Industry Speaker of IEEE Signal Processing Society, for his contributions to large-scale multimedia analysis and applications.