Kai YU: The Trend of AI: The Revolution of Computing Paradigm
Future Lecture Series     2016.09.10
Lecturer Profiles

Kai YU

Founder & CEO, Horizon Robotics; Member, the Youth Action Group of Future Forum

Dr. Kai YU is the founder & CEO of Horizon Robotics Inc. He is a recognized pioneer and leader in deep learning and artificial intelligence. He was the founder and Head of Baidu Institute of Deep Learning (IDL), the first and most established artificial intelligence R&D center in China industry. During his career at Baidu, his role also included Deputy Managing Director of Baidu Research, Director of Multimedia Department, and Senior Director of Image Search Department. The teams led by Dr. Yu have won 3 Baidu Highest Achievement Awards for significant contributions to voice search, computer vision, online advertising, and web search.  He has launched a number of innovation projects, including Baidu Brain, BaiduEye, Baidu Autonomous Driving, DuBike etc. Dr. Yu is elected to China “Top 1000 Talents”, a prestigious group of technology leaders of the country. Dr. Yu has published around 60 papers with more than 13000 citations. He has received many awards, including the Best Paper Runner-up Award of ICML-2013, the First Place of PASCAL VOC 2009,and the First Place of ImageNet Challenge 2010. He is an Adjunct Professor of Nanjing University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Before joining Baidu, he worked at Microsoft, Siemens, NEC, and was an Adjunct Faculty at Department of Computer Sciences at Stanford University. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from Nanjing University and his Ph.D. degree from University of Munich.

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